
Showing posts from February, 2019

How to access Netgear Genie for Your Router?

In today’s fast-paced online world, Wi-Fi and Internet access are the utmost importance. We can’t endure for a minute without internet access. It has become a necessity! As we say “necessity is the mother of inventions,” to curb this need of internet access people have come up a lot of new inventions which make our lives easy and comfortable. Such a brand name is Netgear! and the name of the App is the  Netgear Genie App . Access control on Netgear Genie Netgear’s products include a variety of hi-tech devices which consist of wired or wireless devices for network and broadband connectivity. Netgear’s products focus on user-friendliness and its reliability. Recently, Netgear has launched its Genie app which helps you to manage your router on your finger-tips! Netgear provides a free iOs and Android mobile app. Here are many things which you can control through this Genie App: Password protected app. Control your home network from your tablet or Smartphone Reboot your router Ea

Easy Steps To Change The Username And Password Of Netgear Router!

A WiFi router is one most used peripheral of the external computer that uses an incoming Internet connection and converts it into a local wireless network signal, allowing computers system to connect to the Internet. Netgear is of the leading manufacturer of WiFi routers. If one has to change the  Admin password for Netgear router , it can be changed by logging into the WiFi router admin interface through a Web browser. Have you ever noticed the one notable fact that when you buy any new WiFi router device, it is configured with default factory settings? Most of the users never notice and continue using it with its factory default settings. For checking the default WiFi router settings, you simply need to go to its local web address, which is and access the WiFi router’s interface. Here you will find that the username is admin and the default password is called password. While using a WiFi router device you should be well aware of its complete security guidelin

Steps To Factory Reset Your Netgear WiFi Router

You must have installed Netgear Genie application on your laptop or desktop to get better access to your  Netgear WiFi router . But is it giving you that much seamless experience how you wanted? If no, then you can go through this article to resolve half of your problems of Netgear Genie Not Working. We understand that this can be really irritating and frustrating to come across such unwanted technical error, especially while performing an important task. We know that you must have tried multiple numbers of solutions before to solve the issues with your  Netgear Genie app . Unfortunately, you never ended up with a positive result regarding your problem. A few days back, a person bought a Netgear Genie for the same purpose and had to face a lot of issues with it. And finally, after meeting with a lot of obstacles he got such perfect solutions for his Netgear Genie Not Working problem. That is the reason we have taken the initiative today to share those working solutions with you an

Steps To Follow When Your Netgear Router Is Not Working


Steps To Setup A Wi-Fi Router Without A Computer!

Can you set up a WiFi router without a computer? In this age and day, it is very uncommon to find someone without a laptop or computer, even though times are rapidly changing as people start to become much more comfortable with using only tablets and smartphones to get themselves online. However, if you are one of the very rare breeds of people, or maybe your laptop/desktop died out or for whatever reason that you find yourself without a laptop or computer and a WiFi router to set up, it is still quite possible. Of course, having a laptop or computer is still much better for  setting up a WiFi router , since mobile devices, while partly able to fulfill the functions of a laptop or computer system, still have fewer capabilities compared to a desktop/laptop. PCI-E Wi-Fi Cards for Desktops And come to think of it, if you do not own a computer system, it might be much more convenient, and not to mention much more practical, to just apply for a 4G/3G plan. Want to know how